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Digital Campus

The Digital Campus Roadmap strengthens the foundation of technology and advances the mission of the university by enhancing the teaching, learning, and research experience at UCLA. It is a transformational pathway that will unite and guide the university community as it grows, meeting the academic, research, and administrative needs of today while creating key systems and processes for a successful future. Together, we are transforming the campus ecosystem and inspiring the next generation of interdisciplinary problem solvers, creative thinkers, and change makers. 
Two years ago, we embarked on a comprehensive assessment of the technology and cyber security posture at UCLA. We conducted more than 140 interviews, as well as focus groups and listening sessions with every college and unit, to evaluate our current IT environment and gather your ideas for improvements. We then shared our findings with more than 250 stakeholders across campus in nearly 30 sessions and further refined our recommendations based on your extensive, thoughtful input.
Foundational initiatives are included in the project portfolio of the Digital Campus Roadmap. The timeline of the Digital Campus Roadmap's implementation will be published as these projects are prioritized and approved by the Executive IT Governance Board.
All projects are evaluated against a prioritization matrix, then move through IT governance, which includes input from domain-specific technology committees, the IT Steering Committee, and the Executive IT Governance Board. Prioritization considerations include customer value, reach, and experience; compliance and risk reduction; business process optimization and complexity of effort.

Stakeholder Engagement

As a steward of IT governance, the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) strives to facilitate the crucial level of consensus, visibility, and voice necessary for successful campus IT governance. 

IT governance at UCLA comprises several established committees with domain expertise to inform IT strategy and bring forth well-formed, thoughtful proposals for review and approval. Academic representation is built into the IT governance bodies, including formal representation from the Academic Senate. Designated IT Strategic Partners from each campus unit serve in advisory capacity to the CIO. And roles for student representatives are in development.  

Yes. Academic representation is built into the IT governance bodies, including formal representation from the Academic Senate.  

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